The Role of Dance in a Child’s Upbringing

As we watch our high school senior dancers edge their way towards graduation this spring, we can’t help but reflect on the meaningful journey they have had at our studio. Some of them have been with us for as many as 13 seasons. Throughout the years, we’ve seen them face and conquer challenges, reach extraordinary milestones and, most importantly, establish close friendships with their dancing peers. It’s enough to make your heart overflow when you really think about it, and watching them grow throughout the years is one of the most incredible aspects of our work in performing arts. 

We’d like to take a moment to share with you, from a teacher perspective, the incredible things we witness in our students as they navigate life and dance, from preschool years all the way to graduating high school:

Preschool Years:

Students come in at age 3 and 4 with all different personalities. Some are extraverted, some are introverted, and some are hesitant to separate from their parents initially. But one thing is in common - all of our preschool age kids ultimately gain confidence in themselves as they learn something new and have the opportunity to show their friends/family what they have learned while at class. There is something fundamentally magical when a preschool age child has the chance to demonstrate their new learnings with their loved ones. It truly fills our hearts with joy as teachers to watch our little ones beam with pride and demonstrate newfound confidence in themselves during this early stage in their lives.

Elementary School Years:

For our students age 5-10, the lessons they learn about collaboration with their peers through dance is priceless. As adults, we know and understand that learning to work well with others leads us to success in all aspects of our lives. During the formative years in early childhood, we see our dancers regularly practicing their group work skills in class and taking in the critical lessons of positive creative collaboration. It is truly remarkable to watch a child learn these skills through dance class, and to know what an important aspect these skills will play in their future, regardless of the path they take in work and life.

Middle School Years:

With middle school comes new experiences of social dynamics and peer interactions. As teachers, we see the students utilizing dance as a way to solidify their self-esteem and establish healthy social connections with fellow dancing friends. There may be good days or bad days at school, but our students can always rely on the positive feeling they have stepping into the supportive studio environment each week. And this often gives them the strength they need to face their daily challenges at school. We never take for granted the importance of our safe studio haven, especially for our middle school dancers.

High School Years:

As our students enter the final stages of their upbringing, dance plays an important role in teaching them critical life values such as perseverance, responsibility, strength of character, and supportive friendship. These students are just steps away from launching into the world as adults, and their weekly dance experiences teach them that they can face challenges, they can overcome them, and they can accomplish their dreams with determination. And they learn all this and understand that it is all possible because of the support they give and receive from each other. 

So as you can see, unlike a school environment that may only serve a child for a handful of years, we often serve dancers for their entire upbringing from age 3 -18. And with that comes our broadened perspective. We are in awe of our students, the extraordinary journeys that they take with us, and the growth we see in them throughout the years. And we are so grateful to have front row seats to watching the impact of dance in a child’s upbringing. 

If you would like to begin your child’s journey in dance and reap the benefits of studio environment from preschool all the way to high school years, it’s not too late to join Season 23-24 and dive in! There is still time to catch a FREE trial class to find your best fit before enrollment closes on 2/17/24. We hope to see you at our studio soon!


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